Learn how to integrate the principles and techniques of traditional Thai massage on a mat with clinical sports massage and assisted stretching. Movement allows movement. Mat-based massage therapy can be greatly effective for facilitating pain relief and increasing mobility. Your instructor is master educator, Dr. Crystal Abitz, who has over 300+ hours of Thai massage training and a PhD in Human and Sports Performance.
Topics Covered:
+ History, Basic Principles, and Techniques of Thai Bodywork
+ Partner Stretching
+ Body Positions and General Sequence of Treatment Sessions
+ Techniques and Flow for Supine
+ Techniques and Flow for Prone
+ Techniques and Flow for Side-lying
+ Integrate for a full 60-minute session
Supplies Needed:
+ Thai massage mat (please contact us if you do not have one)
+ Massage sheets
+ Bolster and 2 pillows with cases
+ Notebook and pen (encouraged)
+ Snacks and water (encouraged)