Fijian Barefoot Massage
October 1 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm UTC+0
An event every day that begins at 9:00 am, repeating until October 1, 2024
Fijian Barefoot Massage is a style of deep tissue massage performed on a cushioned floor mat with the client clothed. The massage therapist incorporates deep, specific barefoot massage techniques unique to Fijian Barefoot Massage, including a vigorous jostle to bring movement to the larger muscle groups.
Fijian Massage works with a focused intensity by using various aspects of the therapists’ feet, including toes and bony prominences, to create rhythmic friction along the elasticity of fascial lines. With every technique applied, the client’s internal body awareness, or interoception, is learning more about itself.
The strokes presented in this class are the original work of Lolita Knight, a barefoot massage pioneer taught with her permission and infused with the Center for Barefoot Massage’s FasciAshi’s approach to myofascial and neuromuscular massage theory.