How to Create a Badass Follow-Up Marketing Plan

Do you have a follow up marketing plan for your clients?

It costs 6x as much in marketing dollars to obtain a new client than it does to sell to an existing client. Due to methods of following up / “keep-in-touch”program with a client, their lifetime value can range from $50-50,000 and beyond based off of services, referrals, product purchases, and more! Imagine what would happen if you properly follow up with ALL of your clients!

>>> How to Follow Up <<<

• automatic emails campaigns
• personal emails
• hand written letters/ thank-you notes
• personal texts/ opt-in texting campaign
• gift packages/ wellness programs
• Social media direct messaging
• self-care recommendations
• phone calls + voicemails
• product packages
• postcards

::::::::::::::::::::::: Here is a SAMPLE Follow Up Plan :::::::::::::::::::::::

I always encourage clients to follow me & subscribe to notifications from my biz on their social media channels

•After appointment: Send client a direct link to your online review site and ask/thank them for supporting your small business by writing a quick sentence or two about their favorite part of the service

• 24-48hrs: Send handwritten Thank You card

• If you told them you would send them additional info or links, etc. do that immediately as you can (I often send clients links to stretches to do at home, etc)

• 30-45 days: Phone call / letter to make sure everything went well after their last service & if they have any questions (they need to know they aren’t just a number to you)

• 90 days: New service / product launch / invite to open house

• 6 mos: Upcoming promotion that might benefit the client’s goals

• 9 mos: Ask for referrals of 2-3 people who could benefit from your services

• “Happy Year Anniversary” card of their first service (with free add-on, voucher, or GC)

•15 mos: Updated Questionnaire / Survey

• 18 mos: tell them about a service that compliments what they originally came in for or something they may be interested in

•THROUGHOUT/ IN-BETWEEN: “non selling” newsletters with relevant info they would find useful: articles, quotes, at-home tips, spa DIY recipes; social media giveaways

NOTE: Do not get discouraged if you get unsubscribers.

If you do, it’s usually for 3 reasons:

• They might have been from out of town/ came in with a gift certificate & don’t have disposable income to spend on themselves (That’s also your job to find out what their self-care goals & budget are and make a plan from there… I often refer my out of towners to other therapists in the area to continue their self-care in their hometown, and they ALWAYS choose me when they come back to town)

• People’s social media & email inboxes are CONSTANTLY flooded with promotions, sales, info. It can feel overwhelming and they may not was to add to that overwhelm. I opt out of so many things, but that doesn’t mean I forget about them if I LOOOOVE their services & products. That’s where texts/ phone calls & hand written notes come in handy

• They simply might not be your ideal client or a right for for your biz & vice versa. It’s important to get feedback… Or perhaps you marketing strategies are not getting in front of their face at the right TIME of day.

DON’T GET UPSET or offended through the process. It’s always a challenge! Marketing is tough and constantly changing… Unsubscribers just mean they are cleaning out your list FOR you and doing you a favor. Another thing to remember is that people are on a CONSTANT media overload, and they often get overwhelmed with a ton of notifications and emails everyday… Unsubscribing doesn’t necessarily mean they have forgotten you. If you focus too much on the people who unsubscribe, you will just attract more of those types – basic Law of Attraction.

I have a “post-service questionnaire” to have clients fill out after their service to help determine the BEST way to follow up with them as well as their desired budget & frequency. Check it out below!

If you are in needing to create a general marketing plan, you have GOT to have consistency, and you aren’t going to see results overnight. Running a business is not for the weak of heart.

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