Remember that your work doesn’t equal your WORTH.
“Success” seems to be the to-go-to magic word for what we chase after, prepare for, choose, and what we desire. It’s how we often define our lives. Money, fame, fortune, social status, and power are what we have been conditioned to believe by society as what defines success. If we don’t get it, we’re consumed with envy of those who supposedly have it. We compare our behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reels (especially over social media)
Ultimately, many define success by how their lives will be summed up at their funeral. Will your loved ones be talking about how much money you made? Or will they be talking about this person’s contributions to their community and how blessed they feel to have known you? For most, success is ultimately defined by the good that has been contributed.
Don’t use *someone else’s definition* of success to set your own boundaries of what it means to YOU. Don’t define success on someone else’s terms, vision, and opinion.
• Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to see their own accomplishments, dismissing them as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be.
• We all have so many fears and demons that we face everyday.
• Fear is a CHOICE. Don’t give fear the power to disable and hinder you. YOU *ARE* GOOD ENOUGH.
•When things are AMAZING -or just medicore- in the end, the majority of that is your own acceptance and decision.
• People tend to stay comfortable in their misery, in their “known”, and change is scary as shit! But the true magic happens outside of our comfort zone.
• Both fear and faith take the same amount of energy to exert, and it makes you believe in something that hasn’t happened yet. So WHY CHOOSE FEAR over faith? Let your light shine, and help others overcome their fears too.
We are taught to think *inside* the box. We learn like 5 core subjects in school to study and we are taught to take interest within those boxes and that’s we should get our degree in. Our educational paths usually are determined by what we can get a job in right after school, not necessarily what we love doing bc we are afraid we may not be able to get a job in that field. Many people will not follow their true dreams bc they afraid of the so-called instability. And often enough, “higher education” can lead to mega-debt.
Women have been socialized to aspire to perfection and they are overly cautious. Even when we are ambitious, that socialization of perfection has caused us to take LESS risks in our careers for fear of failure. We need to socialize women to be BRAVE… not perfect.
Playing it safe, keeping your head down, and doing what your job requires is a pretty good way to stay employed… but it’s also a brilliant strategy for getting left behind while someone else becomes your boss.
Family culture, traditions, and religion have a huge impact on how we define success. How our families raise us sometimes doesn’t allow us the freedom to play outside those boxes. (Ex: stay at home mom with a degree whose husband works)
Which box were you given to play in?
How will you make your own path and break the mold?
How will you break free of expectations and do something BETTER that what others expected you to do?
With new levels, they are new devils. You are completely capable of success and expand your capacity for abundance! You *DESERVE* to achieve your goals and dreams. Mindset before mechanics!
- Imperfect action is OK. Willingness to take risks & chances and going out of your comfort zones.
- You don’t WANT to be an overnight success: that’s too overwhelming and overloads you and burnt out and scared. Instead, lean into it and do one thing at a time!
- Success exposes flaws bc so many eyes are on you. So? EXPOSE THE FLAWS. You are a REAL person! People are gracious and your market will see how you handle things like total champs!
- Don’t let your fears/ failures/ temporary setbacks scar you and leave a bad taste in your mouth.
- Keep the definition is success fluid: be open to redefining what success means for you and to embracing the evolution of change.
- Our definition of success changed day to day based on what we need in the present moment, of our current goals.
- Be aware of what your “WHY” is… what fulfills you?
- Craving success isn’t selfish.
- What ideals and values do you most hold dear? Do they resonate with your purpose and your WHY?
- What are you NOT willing to give up on your path to success?
So tell me… What defines success for you?
For further reading inside our private Facebook community, read my post “Don’t Fuck with Luck” to get to know a little more about my own story with success and hard work.