The Riches Are in the Niches!

Do you have a niche that you focus on –
something that sets you apart from the crowd?

Something different than the basic cookie-cutter routine

People have told me what they THINK their niche is…. 

> “Holistic Health & Wellness”

> “Deep Tissue / Sports Massage”

> “Energy Healing/ Reiki”

> “Skin Care”

> “Prenatal”

> “Yoga”

Y’ALL. Those are not niches. 



Soooooo… what is a niche, then? 

A niche is a very specific combination of elements / modalities for a very specific demographic or group of people. It’s totally OK to have a few niches, and a few types of ideal clients.

It’s pertinent that you keep those profiles crystal clear… You cannot market to a pregnant woman the same way you would market to a post-surgery client or a marathon runner. 

If you don’t have a very clear and specific niche, your business will constantly struggle. It’s the surest, fastest way to get lost in the sea of basic therapists offering a non-memorable service. 

(Check our the Badass Bodyworkers “Dream Client Profile” Worksheet here!) 

Symptoms of not having a niche might include:

๐ŸŒŸ Your retention rate is low / struggling

๐ŸŒŸ Not getting noticed online.

๐ŸŒŸ You have a horribly hard time writing headlines & creating content for your clients to relate to.

๐ŸŒŸ No one is signing up for your packages / special offers.

๐ŸŒŸ Low referral rates from current clients.

๐ŸŒŸ Bank account frequently in the red, or close to it. 

๐ŸŒŸ Justifying your excuse – making

๐ŸŒŸ Super quick to offer discounts and super low prices bc it’s “expected” or you feel guilty

๐ŸŒŸ Little or no support system / lack of badass colleagues to empower you 

๐ŸŒŸ You struggle with implementing with the right marketing strategies & following up

๐ŸŒŸ You are HOPPING too much – whether it be with running too many / too general of promos, participating in TOO many events / charitable donations, or constantly change service offerings

๐ŸŒŸ You stall & get flustered when someone asks you what you do

๐ŸŒŸ You make no sales because you’re trying so hard to be “for everyone”, that you end up helping no one and BURNING yourself out and completely drained of energy.

So let’s revisit those categories, and turn them into a NICHE…. 

> “Holistic Health & Wellness” = “Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching for overcoming addiction”

> “Deep Tissue / Sports Massage” = “Sports Massage for

> “Energy Healing/ Reiki” = “energetic bodywork for women overcoming sexual trauma” 

> “Skin Care” = “Organic skin care for cystic adult acne” 

> “Prenatal” = “Mayan abdominal massage & belly binding for post partum” 

> “Yoga” = “Yoga for fertility” (or “goat yoga” haha!) 

Yeah, yeah…. I know what you’re thinking..

By this time, you have probably inserted an excuse or two in your brain.

“But But But” I hear all the time.

Naturally, as empathetic healers, we want to heal EVERYONE, but we end up becoming overwhelmed. Trying to appease & accommodate every person who could possibly walk into the door will result in mental & physical exhaustion. 

It’s time to stop being scared about “turning people away” and start claiming your very own unique niche. DOMINATE that shit! Establish yourself as the go-to person, as the expert in your field. Literally make the so -called “competition” completely irrelevant and let go of that feeling of intimidation. When you’re the BEST (or perceived as the best) then there’s zero competition. SO SHIFT YOUR FOCUS. 

GO AHEAD AND TAKE SOME FUCKIN’ ACTION LIKE A BOSS and stop with the “poor meeeee” excuse – making that’s subconsciously holding you back.

Because guess what, darling?

Someone is ALREADY DOING IT and proved it can happen, and they jumped over those hurdles, even after falling face down in the dirt OVER AND OVER AGAIN. 

You think Oprah, Adele, Lady Gaga, Emma Watson, & Beyoncรฉ made excuses? They had competition, they had haters, and they overcame struggles and surrounded themselves with a great support system and DID. NOT. STOP

Someone’s gotta give you some encouraging tough love, and I’m not here to bullshit and pretend that running a business and retaining clientele is easy. Because it’s not, and it’s not meant for everyone. 

Teena Lewis interviewed me about niches for a podcast episode called “Set Your Soul on Fire” which you can listen to here

I also love this blogpost by This Ugly Beauty Business called Specialization: Is being the best at one thing too limiting

{Please feel free to DM or email me at if you want to collaborate with me and share your top tips on a YouTube about how you are DOMINATING your market. We would love your input and to be able to highlight your achievements!} 

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